Medical expertise
The effort to help alcoholics and substance abusers take back control over their lives should rely on a medical diagnosis since the causes of their problems are both numerous and complex.
A profound understanding requires a complete and detailed outline of an individual’s illness. To accomplish this, we start with a multiaxial evaluation that integrates physical, psychological and social aspects to profile the client’s clinical history. Based on this profile we then determine the treatment type and duration most appropriate for the rehabilitation. Lastly, we establish a prognosis with respect to the possibility of recovery.
The Centre d’Évaluation pour Alcooliques et Toxicomanes (CÉPAT) specializes in medical expert opinions on alcoholism and substance abuse. This is done with an in-depth assessment of the individual or alternately with a review of the medical files. Businesses, unions, courts, professional corporations, doctors and others, rely on CÉPAT to evaluate employees on the absence or presence of an illness. Additionally, the implications and consequences of the illness are evaluated to determine their impact on the employee’s behavioural and functional capacity.
To develop such expertise, CÉPAT employs a variety of tests to identify the diverse situations experienced by individuals struggling with substance abuse and/or alcoholism. Special attention is given to comorbid issues.
Description of an expertise:
- Personal and family history
- Background medical files
- Background psychiatric files
- Prior therapeutic interventions and detoxification
- Drug and alcohol screening tests
- Laboratory tests
- Complete physical examination
- Mental examination
- Consumption history
- Tests specialized in alcoholism and substance abuse/dependence
- Psychometric testing (MMPI-II + MCMI-III) etc.
- Analysis of professional and social environment
- Complementary psychiatric evaluation, if necessary
- Complementary neuropsychological testing, if necessary